Travel | Philippines | Life

Philippines: 30 days and counting

January 4, 2024 | 3 minutes

As this post goes live, there are exactly 30 days left on the calendar — 30 days until I head out on a journey that's been some time in the making. This isn't just any trip; it's my first real step into international travel and making something I've been thinking about for nearly two years a reality.

For the month of February, I'll be swapping the familiar wintery streets of home for the warm sun and the vibrant and diverse landscapes of the Philippines, a place I'm itching to explore and understand.

Here's the scoop: I'm normally a pretty private person, and for the past 2 years, I've been holding onto a little secret, and it's probably time I spill the beans. In 30 days, I'm not just hopping on a plane for my first-ever trip out of the country (nope, that road trip to Vancouver with mom and dad in 8th grade when passports weren't even required doesn't quite count); I'm also about to flip to a whole new chapter in my personal life. And while the adventure part is super cool and all, the biggest reason I'm going is something... or rather, someone, special.

The prep countdown

Prepping for this trip has felt like I'm gearing up for a space mission or something. I've got lists for everything — what to pack, activities to do and avoid, hunting down the best deals for flights, hotels, and Airbnbs. And there's this constant drone in the back of my mind of 'Am I forgetting something?' in the back of my mind. But ticking off each little task gets me a step closer to the big adventure.

Some big firsts

This trip's packed with 'firsts.' My first international flight, my first passport stamps, my first time setting foot in the Philippines, my first time visiting a different continent, my first taste of real Filipino food (helloooo adobo, I'm coming for you!), and my first glimpse of the ocean from the other side of the world. But the biggest 'first' of all? The first time meeting her.

Yup, you read that right. She's pretty great and she lives in the Philippines. We've been riding the rollercoaster of late-night calls and endless messaging, and it's been a mix of amazing, tough, and downright crazy. And now, we're actually going to meet in person. Can you believe it?

And let me tell you, now that I'm days away from actually being able to see her face-to-face, it's all feeling pretty surreal. I'm bouncing between being super pumped and insanely nervous.

Don't worry, I'll properly introduce her soon :)

Sharing the journey

While I'm most definitely not a writer, I've decided to document this trip — from yawning through my 5 am flight from home, the jitters of touching down in an unknown place, to that moment we finally meet and all the adventures we'll dive into. I'll be trying to write several posts throughout the month, sharing photos and videos of the Philippines and all my experiences.

I want to share and document it all. It's not just about the places I'll see but the rollercoaster of emotions, the gift of gaining a new perspective, the challenges, and the personal growth that comes with stepping out of your comfort zone.

The final stretch

As I type this out, the butterflies are emerging from their cocoon in my stomach. This trip is more than a vacation; it feels like it could be one of those tent-pole moments in my life. It's about taking risks, diving headfirst into the unknown, and new places and experiences. So, here's to the 30-day countdown and a journey that's just about to begin. Philippines, get ready, 'cause here I come!

I've got more posts planned, both leading up to the trip and while I'm there. So stay tuned, and let's see what this adventure has in store!

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Deanna Moberg

The will of God will never take you where the hand of God cannot keep you. You've prayed and spiritually prepared so knowing that God will give you the wisdom you probably will both be seeking- so go out there not just to enjoy the experience, but with the full joy of the Lord in your heart. We are all cheering for you!


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